

Bio: I am Sipra Ray, ISTQB certified - Quality Analyst at Mindfire Solutions. An extrovert by nature ,I like to interact with people and share with all what i learn.

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5 thoughts on “About

  1. Beersha says:

    Thanks for your useful posts.I am new to selenium web driver.Can you please send me selenium web driver script for login with valid and in valid testdata????


  2. Sanketh says:

    Hello Sipra

    Its a useful blog for beginners like me though I visited it recently. I have started self learning of Selenium 3 months back. I have reached a stage where I want to Develop simple framework which makes my Project easy to maintain.

    Can you please help me with the points followed in ‘REAL TIME PROJECTS’ and any sample source code or screenshot of Framework 🙂

    Thank you for the great work 🙂


  3. Hi Sipra, I recently cleared ISTEQB exam and currently looking for a job in the software testing field. I found your blog through my search query and I could not resist myself to follow you 🙂 This blog has so much useful post that it can be really a great help to freshers like us. Especially an automation testing tools. Thank you so much for sharing.


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